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White Gold (or Platinum) Three Stone Engagement Rings set with Pear and Emerald Cut Diamonds; White Gold (or Platinum) Accented Wedding Band

Lab-Grown vs. Natural, Earth-Mined Diamonds Comparison Guide

  • 13 mins
Lab-Grown vs. Natural, Earth-Mined Diamonds Comparison Guide

There’s nothing quite like diamonds. Synonymous with love and luxury, they’re the gems of choice for engagement rings, along with other pieces of fine jewelry. However, diamonds aren’t all made equal. Far from it. There are multiple types, shapes, sizes, and categories to choose from.

One of the first decisions to make when buying a diamond ring is whether you want natural diamonds (earth-mined diamonds) or lab-grown diamonds instead. In this lab-grown vs. earth-mined diamonds guide, we’ll cover all the info you need to make the right choice.

Key Takeaways

  • Lab-grown diamonds and natural, earth-mined diamonds are chemically identical and visually indistinguishable, offering similar brilliance and durability.
  • Lab-grown diamonds are generally more affordable and ethically produced compared to mined diamonds, but they may not hold their value as well over time and can have a higher environmental impact due to energy use.
  • Choosing between lab-grown and natural, earth-mined diamonds depends on personal preferences, budget, and values regarding suitability and long-term value. It’s recommended to get your partner’s opinion as well as discuss it more with a jewelry professional for personalized advice.

Yellow Gold Accented Wedding Bands; White Gold (or Platinum) Accented Engagement Rings set with Round Cut Diamonds


What Is an Earth-Mined Diamond?

Let’s kick off with a couple of definitions, beginning with mined or natural diamonds.

As the name suggests, a mined diamond is mined straight from the earth itself. These diamonds form naturally from carbon deposits, situated many miles (around 90 to 125, to be precise) under the Earth’s surface.

When those deposits are put under intense temperature and pressure, they form into diamonds. This process can take anywhere from months to literally millions of years, and changes in conditions can impact how the final diamond looks, so each one is truly unique.


What Is a Lab-Grown Diamond?

Next, a lab-grown (or lab-created) diamond is just what it sounds like – a diamond made by scientists in a laboratory, rather than a natural diamond formed within the earth.

Thanks to state-of-the-art science, it’s possible for scientists to effectively recreate the kinds of conditions that cause naturally mined diamonds to form. They use methods like HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) or CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) to do this, turning a simple diamond seed (a tiny piece of diamond) into a full-sized one, suitable for use in the jewelry industry.

Just like a naturally mined diamond, a lab-grown diamond is formed of carbon. So, chemically speaking, there’s no difference between them whatsoever.


Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Real?

They certainly are.

There are a lot of misconceptions around lab diamonds, with many people mistakenly believing that synthetic diamonds are “fake” or “not real” compared to earth-mined diamonds.

But, in reality, lab diamonds are just as real as diamonds mined from the ground. They look the same, they feel the same, they have that same sparkle and shine, and the same chemical properties, too.

What’s more, while some people prefer natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds offer several unique benefits, which we’ll get to later.


Lab-Grown Diamond Process

First, let’s take a brief look at how a lab diamond, or synthetic diamond, is made before we get into the nitty-gritty of lab-grown diamonds vs. mined.

Lab-grown diamonds are created through advanced technological processes that mimic the natural conditions under which diamonds form. These methods allow for the production of diamonds in a controlled environment, ensuring the same brilliance and durability as mined diamonds. The two primary lab-grown diamond types are CVD diamonds and HPHT diamonds.


Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Diamonds

The CVD process involves taking a diamond seed or seed crystal and putting it in a little chamber. Hot gases then funnel into that chamber, heating up gradually and forming new layers of carbon upon the diamond seed, making it bigger and bigger into a usable diamond.


High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Diamonds

The other method used in the diamond industry is more akin to how diamonds form naturally. As the name says, this method involves the use of intense heat and temperature exerted on naturally occurring graphite to transform it into diamonds.


What’s the Difference Between Lab-Grown and Earth-Mined Diamonds?

As mentioned earlier, the biggest difference between earth-mined and lab-grown diamonds is quite simply how they’re sourced. Mined ones form naturally from the earth, while lab diamonds are made in labs.

Aside from that, there aren’t many notable differences to speak of. In fact, if you had a lab diamond and a mined one and put them side-by-side, it would be impossible to tell which was which with the naked eye. Even when put through tests and checks, the two would appear almost identical, with the same hardness levels and durability.

There is, however, a minor difference in their chemical structure. Lab diamonds contain minuscule amounts of nitrogen, which is not present in naturally mined diamonds. So, when determining whether a diamond is natural or man-made, experts (like gemologists) can inspect it for nitrogen.

There’s also a difference in terms of the sort of prestige or cultural appreciation of each diamond type. Even though they look identical, and a lab-grown diamond can be just as shiny and beautiful as a natural one, mined diamonds tend to be viewed with greater regard and respect. This is partly because people simply feel that naturally-grown diamonds are, for one reason or another, more “authentic.”

Price-wise, too, lab-grown diamonds vs. mined differ. A diamond engagement ring with a lab diamond will typically cost less than one with a natural diamond of similar size and quality. Mined diamonds may also hold superior resale value.

Rose Gold Accented Engagement Ring set with a Pear Cut Diamond; White Gold (or Platinum) Solitaire Engagement Ring set with a Round Cut Diamond


Earth-Mined Diamonds Pros and Cons

There are both pros and cons to each type of diamond—earth-mined and lab-grown. Let’s take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of naturally-formed diamonds, mined from the ground.



  • The Natural Factor: One of the main reasons why people opt for natural diamonds over lab-made ones is simply because they like the idea of owning a natural product. There’s something special and unique about these diamonds, often forged over millions if not billions of years.
  • More Valuable in the Long-Term: In the long run, natural diamonds hold their value better than lab-grown ones. So, if you ever need or decide to resell your diamond engagement ring, you’ll get a better price if the diamond was mined from the earth.
  • Cultural Prestige and Rarity: There’s also a certain level of cultural prestige associated with natural diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are slowly gaining popularity, but they don’t have the same cultural capital and history as mined equivalents.


  • More Expensive: Natural diamonds hold their value better, but they also cost more up-front. On average, you’ll pay around 30% more for an earth-mind diamond compared to a lab-grown diamond. That may be a tricky hurdle to overcome for those with small budgets.
  • Ethical and Environmental Concerns: A lot of modern-day diamond mining is ethical, but there have been cases of diamond miners being treated unfairly and profits from diamond sales used to fund wars and unethical pursuits.

Lab-Grown Diamonds Pros and Cons

Next, let’s explore the plus points and downsides of lab-created diamonds.



  • An Ethical Choice: With lab-grown diamonds, there’s not that same ethical “gray area” for buyers to worry about. You can rest assured that your diamond wasn’t mined illegally or unfairly and that the profits raised by its sale aren’t being put to nefarious uses.
  • Usually More Affordable: As explained in the previous point, lab-grown diamonds are roughly 30% cheaper than natural ones. So, if you’re on a tight budget or want maximum value, lab-grown is the way to go.
  • A Miracle of Technology: If you’re a lover of science and technology, you may simply adore the idea of owning a lab-grown diamond. It’s a true miracle of modern science and a shining, shimmering embodiment of mankind’s incredible spirit of innovation.


  • Not Entirely Sustainable: While lab-grown diamonds are considered the ethical choice, they’re not always the most sustainable one. The processes used to make them—like HPHT—use up lots of energy and have an impact on the planet as well.
  • Lacks the Long-Term Value of Natural Diamonds: As touched on previously, one of the big downsides of lab-grown diamonds is that they don’t hold the value as well as natural ones. You likely won’t get as much money back if you choose to resell your ring or other jewelry (which hopefully you won’t have to do for something as significant as an engagement ring). This is because the technology used to create lab-grown diamonds and the stones themselves haven’t been around as long as their natural counterparts, so we can’t say for certain how they will fare over time, and this greatly impacts the resale value today.

Yellow Gold Diamond Earrings; White Gold (or Platinum) Diamond Tennis Bracelet; White Gold (or Platinum) Diamond Hoops


What’s Right for You: Lab-Grown or Earth-Mined?

So, you’ve seen the arguments on both sides of the lab-grown diamonds vs. earth-mined diamonds debate. Now, which one should you choose?

Well, there’s no universal answer to that question, as it all depends on the individual. Some people will prefer natural diamonds, while others will find more value in a lab-grown diamond. It’s all about weighing up your own personal preferences to make the right call.

On the one hand, we have natural diamonds—the traditional choice. For many people, a natural diamond simply can’t be beat, and no lab-grown gem can ever truly compete with something sourced from the natural world. This is why naturally mined diamonds continue to be more expensive and more highly prized among consumers—they have that inimitable, intangible level of prestige. They’re also great at maintaining value or even rising in value as they age, depending on their quality and clarity.

Then, there are lab-grown diamonds. In almost every aspect, they’re equal to natural ones. They’re just as beautiful, as striking, as reflective and shimmering. Plus, they have the big benefit of being much more affordable. If you have a limited amount to spend, you’ll be able to get a bigger and better lab-grown diamond than a natural one, though it may not hold its value quite as well over time. Lab diamonds are also more ethical on the whole, and there’s little risk of them being sourced unethically.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to weigh up these individual factors to identify the right kind of diamond for your needs and situation. Think of your budget, your future intentions for the ring, and how much value you (or the person you’ll be giving it to) put on it being natural over lab-grown.


Get Expert, Personalized Help for Your Ring Purchase with Faithful Platform

Hopefully, this guide has given you the info you need to make a more informed decision about which type of diamond ring to choose. But you may still have questions about the specific size, color, or quality of diamond to aim for, or how to get the most value for your money when buying diamond jewelry.

We’re here to help. Faithful Platform specializes in top-quality diamond pieces, like beautiful engagement rings and wedding bands. We can advise you on the right items to buy based on your budget and desires, and help you every step of the way with buying (or even designing) the ring of your dreams.

Get in touch with our team today to find out more.

Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, and White Gold (or Platinum) Solitaire Engagement Rings set with Round and Emerald Cut Diamonds; Matching Yellow Gold Wedding Band


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do most people buy lab or natural diamonds?

Most people still choose natural diamonds for their traditional appeal and cultural significance. However, lab-grown diamonds are gaining popularity for their affordability and ethical advantages.


Are lab-grown diamonds as good as mined diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are chemically identical to earth-mined diamonds and can be just as brilliant and durable. They offer the same sparkle and quality, but typically at a lower price.


What is the downside of lab-grown diamonds?

One downside is that lab-grown diamonds don’t hold their value as well as natural diamonds. They also require significant energy for their creation, which can impact sustainability.


Can a jeweler tell if a diamond is lab-created?

In many cases, a jeweler can detect lab-grown diamonds using specialized equipment, as they may contain minute differences in their chemical structure. However, to the naked eye, lab and mined diamonds appear almost identical. They can also examine the diamond’s laser inscription on the girdle of the stone to see if it has the “LG” inscription required for all lab-grown diamonds.


Can people tell the difference between lab and mined diamonds?

No, most people can’t tell the difference between lab and mined diamonds without the help of professional tools. Both types have the same appearance and characteristics.


Do lab-grown diamonds get cloudy?

No, lab-grown diamonds don’t typically get cloudy. They maintain their clarity and brilliance as long as they are properly cared for, just like natural diamonds.


Are lab-grown diamonds worth it?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are a fantastic choice for anyone seeking a stunning, high-quality gem at a fraction of the price of natural diamonds. They provide significant savings and ethical benefits while delivering the same brilliance and durability. For most shoppers who aren't planning to resell their engagement ring, lab-grown diamonds offer exceptional value and allow you to invest more in the beauty and size of the diamond you love (as well as invest more in your marriage).