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Education & Blogs

At Faithful Platform, we're passionate about giving our clients all the information they need to make wise and informed decisions. Sometimes, talking about engagement rings and fine jewelry can feel like speaking another language, so we've put together some comprehensive guides and blog posts to teach you all you need to know before you start designing your dream pieces! Our vision is to build up a new generation of jewelry purchasers who understand exactly what they're designing and the pros and cons associated with different features. Happy reading!

How Long Does It Take to Custom-Make an Engagement Ring?

In many relationships, there comes a time when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with your...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

How Much Should You Actually Spend On An Engagement Ring?

As couples embark on their journey of marriage, the symbol of love and dedication often comes in the form of an...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

The Difference Between Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands

She said "YES!"... But now what? The sparkling "YES" has been uttered, the celebratory tears have been cried (and...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

Choosing the Perfect Custom Wedding Bands for Your Big Day

Discover how to choose the perfect custom wedding bands for your big day with the help of a knowledgeable jeweler by...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

When NOT to Wear Your Engagement Ring

Ensure Lifelong Sparkle and Endurance The last thing you want to do after becoming engaged or married is think about...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

Growing Brilliance: A Guide to CVD vs. HPHT Lab-Grown Diamonds

In an era marked by conscious consumerism, lab-grown diamonds have emerged as a game-changing alternative in the...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

Sparkle & Shine: How to Clean an Engagement Ring

Engagement rings are one of the most beautiful and unique accessories that you wear on a daily basis. They’re a...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

What to Look for in an Engagement Ring

There are many factors to consider when picking out the perfect engagement ring or wedding band. At Faithful Platform ,...
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform

A Better Way to Shop for Fine Jewelry

A piece by Faithful Platform Founder CEO, Austin Willard:
Faithful Platform

Faithful Platform